
A huge THANK YOU for your generous support!

We felt it was time to express our appreciation and let you know what your donations helped to achieve.

Thanks to your contributions, we have been able to offer vital hope and support to many people who reportedly felt empowered to take their health and wellness into their own hands. In our following email, we will be sharing some of the many heartfelt messages we continue to receive from around the world.

Your donations have had an incredible impact!

  • Feedback from doctors around the world has demonstrated that Ivermectin has been an essential component of tried-and-tested protocols for the prevention and treatment of acute Covid-19, long Covid, and adverse effects suffered from Covid-19 injections.
  • Our website has been viewed by over 3.6 million people around the world!
  • Our Covid-19 early treatment guide has been downloaded over 1 million times from our partner initiative, the World Council for Health’s website!

Ivermectin for Covid Conference

In April 2021, we organised and hosted the very first Ivermectin for Covid Conference on Zoom– where 11 medical experts across the globe shared their invaluable knowledge on the prevention and treatment of Covid with Ivermectin, with 7 hours of talks.

The line-up of experts included Dr Mobeen Syed, Dr Tess Lawrie, Prof. Pierre Kory, Prof. Hector Carvallo, Mr Juan Jose Chamie Quintero, Mr Andrew Bryant, Dr David Chesler, Prof. Eli Schwartz, Dr Wasif Khan, Dr Manjul Medhi, Prof. Matjaž Zwitter.

Raising awareness

Over the year, countless letters have been written to local MPs and doctors. Amazingly, our wonderful volunteers offered to translate important resources, like the “BiRD flyer”, into various languages, including Spanish, Italian, Bengali, and Swedish. Thousands of our flyers have since been printed and distributed around the UK and worldwide.

World Ivermectin Day(s) 2021/2022

Together with you, we created World Ivermectin Day, a dedicated website and event during which experts from all over the world informed and educated the public about Ivermectin – resulting in 300 million web impressions, half a million minutes of video watched and 10,000 mentions on social media, with such an impact it trended on Twitter.

Adding to the evidence-base

  • The research team around Dr Tess Lawrie produced a systematic review and meta-analysis, which included 24 randomised trials conducted in 15 countries among more than 3400 people worldwide. It proved that infections and deaths are dramatically reduced when ivermectin is administered.
  • Currently, the review is ranked 8th, of 22,561,331 tracked articles of a similar age in all journals.

28th November 2022

Sharing the evidence

  • Our dedicated team contacted 25 governments to inform decision-makers of the evidence base in support of Ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19
  • We also shared the evidence on Ivermectin with the following:

World Health Organisation

National Institute of Health (USA)

Federal Drugs Administration (USA)

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK)

South African Health Products Regulatory Authority

  • We sent comprehensive information to the Canadian and other health authorities in the form of an Evidence to Decision Framework – the gold standard for developing clinical practice guidelines.
  • 15 Journal and press rebuttals were produced to challenge misinformation from media, governments and fellow scientists. As yet, none of our rebuttals has ever been challenged back by the authors.
  • Our team has responded to countless requests for information and guidance from the public.

The COVID Clinic

In 2021, we responded to the growing need for medical advice and support by offering a donation-based online Covid Care Clinic. For 4 months, a dedicated team of early-treatment-aware doctors were able to help over a hundred people who were ill with Covid-19.

Legal support

We supported requests for affidavits and evidence towards Ivermectin-related court cases in South Africa, the US, India and other countries.

Getting Ivermectin approved

In the UK, we continue our efforts to get the Medicines Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency to approve Ivermectin. It is an evolving process in the context of Ivermectin’s expanding role in Long Covid and, more recently, helping those experiencing side effects from the Covid-19 vaccine-induced “spikopathy”.

BiRD has a sister: World Council for Health

Founded in 2021, World Council for Health (WCH) is, like BiRD, a non-profit initiative supported by EbMCsquared CiC, a community interest organisation. As one of BiRD’s sister organisations, WCH is a global coalition of health-focused initiatives and civil society groups seeking to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom. So far, WCH is proud to represent 40 countries, and its website has already gathered almost 4 million page views.

Still to come…

In the following email, we will share with you a personal thank you message from Dr Tess Lawrie and some wonderful messages from people around the world whom your donations have helped.

With very best wishes,

[email protected]

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Please Contribute

Safe, cheap, beats Covid

Please support our campaign with a monthly or a single amount to help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.

Bird Group/EBMC Squared is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC).

All funds received will be invested in our activities to promote public health and wellbeing.

Please contribute

Your monthly or single contribution will help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.