Affiliated Organisations

The British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD) is proud to associate with health and patients’ organisations from all around the world to advocate for the use of ivermectin against covid-19.


Affiliated Organisations

FLCCC Alliance

United States

The FLCCC Alliance was organized in March, 2020 by a group of highly published, world renowned Critical Care physician/scholars – with the academic support of allied physicians from around the world – to research and develop lifesaving protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in all stages of illness.


World Doctors Alliance


An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.

Médicos pela Vida

Doctors 4 Life – Brasil

Doctors for life in Brazil support BIRD’s position and conclusions that contradict the WHO and claim there is much evidence to recommend ivermectin for covid-19, and each postponed day costs many lives.

Long Covid-19 Foundation

United Kingdom

Long Covid-19 Foundation’s vision is to create a world where no life is lost or ruined by Long Covid.

Dr Valentina Viduto (PhD), Founder of Long Covid-19 Foundation


Covid Medical Network Australia

Covid Medical Network


We are a group of senior medical doctors and health professionals concerned about the health impacts of the lockdowns used in response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in Victoria and across Australia.


Canadian Covid Care Alliance


Our alliance of independent Canadian doctors, scientists and health care practitioners is committed to providing top-quality and balanced evidence-based information to the Canadian public about COVID-19 so that hospitalizations can be reduced, lives saved, and our country safely restored as quickly as possible.


Transformative Health Justice (THJ)

South Africa

Doctors for Covid Ethics


We are doctors and scientists from 30 countries, seeking to uphold medical ethics, patient safety and human rights in response to COVID-19.


Association BonSens


Citizens, artisans, entrepreneurs, peasants, lawyers, workers, scientists, doctors, teachers … people of good will and common sense have decided to act to face the health and ecological challenges that the world will face in the coming decades .


Alliance for Natural Health International


ANH-Intl is a global non-governmental organisation promoting natural and sustainable approaches to health and environmental care. Our mission is to help reduce the burden of chronic, degenerative diseases that lead to a unnecessary loss of quality of life and threaten to cripple healthcare systems and economies. 




To inform, disseminate and enlighten ASAP the healthcare professionals and all those involved in the care and management of the current Covid-19 pandemic.


Physicians for Informed Consent


The mission of Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) is to deliver data on infectious diseases and vaccines, and unite doctors, scientists, healthcare professionals, attorneys, and families who support voluntary vaccination.


International Covid Summit

12-14 September 2021 – Rome

The INTERNATIONAL COVID SUMMIT will have some of the best medical professionals worldwide, representing the thousands of others who successfully treat Covid patients everyday. These medical professionals will have the opportunity to compare and discuss their research findings and experiences in a live, uncensored worldwide feed.




Concerned Doctors & Citizens of the Philippines

We are a volunteer group of concerned doctors and citizens of the Philippines and we want to help our government safely lift the lockdown so that more lives are saved and more livelihoods are restored. Our taxpayers money are dried up already, we cannot afford extending this lockdown anymore and spend on non-scientific protocols yielding very low to no result. 


Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control - MAECC

An association of medical, allied health and consumer groups that advocates Ivermectin to help end the Covid-19 pandemic.

Malaysian Association for Advancement of Functional and Interdisciplinary Medicine

Doctors for Early Intervention and primary care involvement for Covid-19.


Children's Health Defense Europe

CHD Europe is committed to legal and advocacy efforts to protect children’s health and health freedom, including the right to prior, free, and informed consent to all medical interventions.


PANDA - Pandemics - Data & Analytics

As a politically and economically independent organisation, PANDA seeks to develop science-based explanations and test them against international data. Policy recommendations for governments and other institutions can be developed from these.


Society for Advancement of Hormones & Healthy Aging Medicine Malaysia

SAHAMM (Society for the Advancement of Hormones and Healthy Aging Medicine, MALAYSIA ) is an independent, non-political and public interest organization representing views and aspirations of all qualified persons and sectors in Malaysia. This society endeavors to promote advances in healthy-aging and preventive medicine.

Organización Mundial Por La Vida
(World Life Organisation)

The objective of the Association is to defend life and the integrity of the human being in the context of the constitution of our countries and international treaties.​
Its goal is to represent the voice of those who they do not have it, protecting their freedom, their free thought and their free expression.​
This with the intent of enhancing an effective and functional progress in the true interest of the community.​

Indian Nutritional Medical Association

Society for Regenerative, Anti Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine, India

Functional Medicine Indonesia

International Anti-Aging And Integrative Medicine

Perhimpunan Dokter Umum Indonesia

Philippine Society for Orthomolecular Medicine

Plataforma Cartucho


Iniciativa slovenskih zdravnikov


United Health Alliance

Conscious Health Grenada



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Safe, cheap, beats Covid

Please support our campaign with a monthly or a single amount to help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.

Bird Group/EBMC Squared is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC).

All funds received will be invested in our activities to promote public health and wellbeing.

Please contribute

Your monthly or single contribution will help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.