Help us get ivermectin approved and save many lives in the UK and around the world.

The First International Ivermectin for Covid Conference

Held 24th to 25th April 2021 | Online

The first ever conference focusing on the use of ivermectin (IVM) as a prophylaxis and treatment for covid-19.

Medical experts from around the world joined together to present the very latest real world research on repurposing this safe drug  that has the ability to transform global efforts to fight the pandemic.


Watch the talks

Safe, cheap, beats Covid
Ivermectin is helping fight covid-19


Dr. Mobeen Syed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Prof. Pierre Kory, Prof. Hector Carvallo, Mr Juan Jose Chamie Quintero, Mr Andrew Bryant, Dr. David Chesler, Prof. Eli Schwartz, Dr. Wasif Khan,  Dr. Manjul Medhi, Prof. Matjaž Zwitter.    More info on speakers >>

  • Mechanism of IVM for covid-19
  • Protocols for prevention and treatment
  • Treating Long Covid with IVM
  • Weight of Evidence with real world data
  • Up to the minute reports on trials
  • IVM for the elderly

Complete Days at the Conference

Watch all of Day 1 again

Recording of DAY 1 of the online First International Ivermectin for Covid Conference

Speakers: Dr Mobeen Syed Dr Tess Lawrie Dr Juan Chamie Andrew Bryant Dr David Chesler 

Please excuse the quality. It is Zoom quality and varies.

Watch all of Day 2 again

Recording of DAY 2 of the online First International Ivermectin for Covid Conference

Prof Eli Schwartz Dr Pierre Kory Dr Wasif Khan Prof Hector Carvallo Dr Tina Peers Mr Manjul Medhi Dr Matjaz Zwitter.

Please excuse the quality. It is Zoom quality and varies.


Watch Individual talks

Day 1 - 24 April 2021. Chair: Dr. Mobeen Syed

1. What is ivermectin and how does it work?

Dr. Mobeen Syed provides an overview of ivermectin and how it works against covid-19.

30 minutes 

2. Ivermectin evidence update

Dr. Tess Lawrie presents the latest systematic review evidence from RCTs and a selection of resource, equity, acceptability and feasibility considerations related to ivermectin use.

3. Real world data

Mr. Juan Chamie presents the latest real world data from countries using ivermectin, including the European data.

45 minutes

4. Ongoing Trials

Mr. Andrew Bryant provides an overview of ongoing trials and what they may add to the evidence base.

30 minutes

5. Ivermectin use in the elderly

Dr. David Chesler shares his experience of using ivermectin to prevent and treat covid-19 infection amongst care home residents.

30 minutes

Day 2 - 25 April. Chair: Dr. Mobeen Syed

1. Recent findings from the Israeli trial of ivermectin versus placebo

Prof. Eli Schwartz shares data and conclusions from his Israeli RCT of ivermectin in mild to moderate covid-19.

30 minutes

2. Protocols for prophylaxis and treatment of acute covid-19

Prof. Pierre Kory discusses current protocols for covid-19 prevention and treatment.

30 minutes

3. Experiences with ivermectin in Bangladesh

Dr. Wasif Khan presents his published ivermectin trial and his experience with using ivermectin in Bangladesh.

30 minutes

4. Experience with ivermectin and long covid in South America.

Prof. Héctor Carvallo shares his experiences with using ivermectin for long covid.

30 minutes

5. Experience treating long covid

Followed by a short presentation by Dr Tina Peer, UK GP who will describe her real world experiences treating Long Covid

6. Experiences of a frontline Infectious Diseases doctor in Scotland

Dr. Manjul Medhi shares his front line experiences in treating acute and long covid including using ivermectin in patients at risk of disseminated strongyloides infection.

30 minutes

7. Medical ethics and ivermectin

Prof. Matjaž Zwitter presents current ethical issues around ivermectin for covid-19.

30 minutes


Closing Address

Dr Tess Lawrie's Closing Address

Dr Tess Lawrie wraps up the 1st International IVM conference. This is her powerful speech. 8.2 minutes 

Please excuse the quality. It is Zoom quality and varies.

Also available on Vimeo


Our Speakers


Dr. Mobeen Syed

Mobeen Syed M.D., M.S., graduated from King Edward Medical University in 1994. After practicing clinical medicine for a few years, he continued his studies in Computer Science with the goal of merging innovative technologies and healthcare. Dr. Mobeen’s dedication for teaching began at Horizon Medical Institute.  enables them to learn medicine in conjunction with new technologies.

Dr. Mobeen’s unique skillset as a physician and software engineer enabled him to innovate several products, including a portable 3D ultrasound system designed by MediTeQ RI. His experience as a high tech executive includes time at Staples, Kohl’s, Rue Lala, Gemvara, TJX, and most recently e-commerce giant, PayPal.

Dr. Mobeen’s dedication to innovative and pioneering medical education has been a mainstay in his life. At DrBeen Corp, he strives to create a managed marketplace for medical providers that enables them to learn medicine in conjunction with new technologies.

Dr Tess Lawrie

Dr. Tess Lawrie

Tess (MBBCh, PhD), is the Director of E-BMC Ltd, and EbMCsquared, a community interest research company. Tess is committed to improving the quality of healthcare through rigorous research. Her range of research expertise, based on research experience in both developing and developed countries, uniquely positions her to evaluate and design research for a variety of healthcare settings. Tess is a frequent member of technical teams responsible for developing international guidelines. Her peer-reviewed publications have received in excess of 3000 citations and her ResearchGate score is among the top 5% of ResearchGate members.

dr pierre kory

Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, and Pulmonary Medicine. He is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center while an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin.  Prior to this, he served as  the Program Director of a Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Training Program at Mount Sinai Beth Israel in New York City. Dr. Kory is also considered a pioneer and national/international expert in critical care ultrasound and is the senior editor of a best-selling textbook on the subject which is in its 2nd edition and has been translated into 5 languages and has won the Presidents Choice Award from the British Medical Association in 2015. Dr. Kory   also considered a master educator and has won multiple major Departmental Teaching Awards at each institution that I have served as Faculty.


Dr. Kory has travelled across multiple states in the US to care for COVID-19 patients throughout the pandemic and is also the President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, a non-profit organization of critical care specialists led by Professor Paul Marik whose mission over the past 9 months has been focused on the research and development of effective treatment protocols for COVID-19 using repurposed drugs. Most recently, based on his extensive research over the past 6 months, he has become one of the most sought-after experts on the use of ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.


Dr. Héctor Carvallo

Nati Professor, Universidad Abierta Interamericana – Argentina Ivermectine and Carrageenan in the Prevention of COVID-19.

Prof. Carvallo is former Professor of Medicine at the University of Buenos Aires, as well as Former Director of the Ezeiza Public Hospital in Argentina.  Currently  he is involved in the development of strategies to defeat SARs COV 2, and has been a vocal advocate of ivermectin.  Recently, he was appointed as Editor in Chief of the newly released OAJ Research & Applied Medicine.

David-Chesler b

Dr. David Chesler

Internal Medicine Physician, private practice. Charlottesville Family Medicine 1980-Present. Diplomate of American Board of Internal Medicine. Board Certified in Geriatric Medicine

Matjaž Zwitter -2crop

Prof. Matjaž Zwitter, MD, PhD

Head of the Department of Medical Ethics and Law, Medical Faculty, University of Maribor, Slovenia. His two papers on ivermectin for Covid-19, as published in Slovenian medical journal Isis and in leading newspaper Delo stirred a vivid debate among medical and lay community, hopefully leading to a change in current medical practice.  

He was co-editor of two books on communication:  Communication with the cancer patient: information and truth (The New York Academy of Sciences 1997) and New challenges in communication with cancer patients ( Springer 2013). He also wrote and published three books: Talking about medical ethics (in Slovenian language, Cankarjeva založba 2018), Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice (Springer 2019) and Talking on euthanasia (in Slovenian language, Slovenska matica 2019).

wasif khan

Dr. Wasif Khan

Enteric and Respiratory Infections. Infectious Diseases Division (IDD).  International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr, b).   Bangladesh Clinical Trials Limited (BCTL)

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Juan Chamie

Juan Chamie is a Senior Data Analyst who has been tirelessly researching and spreading the word of ivermectin since early May, 2020. Like the rest of the world, Mr. Chamie closely followed the spread of COVID-19, and his interest in ivermectin was piqued when a doctor in the Dominican Republic used the drug successfully to treat the illness.

Quickly thereafter, a major outbreak in Iquitos, Peru, and local health officials’ successful use of ivermectin to curb the disease, launched Juan’s months-long investigation into widespread efficacy of the drug. Using data as his compass, he showcased his results in stunning data visualizations, and has been using his findings to try to convince health officials and leaders across the world of the positive results of this easily-accessible, highly-affordable drug.

Juan has expanded his scope and he is analyzing data of ivermectin intervention all over the globe.

Juan Chamie lives with his wife in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Prof. Eli Schwartz

Director of the Center for Geographic Medicine at Sheba Medical Center in Tel-Hashomer Israel, first introduced the field of travel medicine to Israel .

His practice became the recognized center by the Ministry of Health of Israel for tropical and travel diseases. Dr Schwartz is currently serving as the president of the Israeli Society of Parasitology and Tropical Diseases and past president of the Asia-Pacific Travel Health Society. He is a full Professor (clinical)  at the Sacker faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.

manjul medhi

Dr. Manjul Medhi

Dr. Medhi has been working as a Consultant in Infectious Diseases (ID) at Forth Valley Royal Hospital (FVRH) since October 2017.

Since that time he has been part of a small team setting up a brand new Infectious Diseases and OPAT service.

He has previously worked as a junior doctor in several ID departments in the UK including Aberdeen, Dumfries, Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester and in London.

As well as an interest in service development he also has an interest in medical education and has previously worked for the University of Aberdeen for two years as a Clinical Teaching Fellow.

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Andrew Bryant

Biostatistician with experience in clinical trials and systematic review methodology based at Newcastle University. A vast number of systematic review and study publications. An avid football, cricket and golf fan! 

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Dr Tina Peers

Dr Tina Peers, with a background in general practice, became a Consultant in Contraception and Reproductive health care in 1996. She then led the contraception and sexual health services for Surrey for 24 years. She became a key opinion leader In contraception and lectured both nationally and internationally.
She gained her Menopause Specialist qualification whilst working at Chelwest.
She now runs The Menopause Consultancy concentrating on women’s health.
For the last six years she has had an interest in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance  sparked by diagnosing her daughter In 2016.
Since then she has helped many patients with this condition to improve their health and quality of life.
More latterly she has been treating Long Covid patients.

Please Contribute

Safe, cheap, beats Covid

Please support our campaign with a monthly or a single amount to help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.

Bird Group/EBMC Squared is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC).

All funds received will be invested in our activities to promote public health and wellbeing.

Please contribute

Your monthly or single contribution will help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.