
Newsletter 29 January 2022

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Get Ivermectin Approved

For all the latest updates, follow our Telegram channel birdgroupuk

Dear Supporter,

We hope you have had a healthy start to the year.

We continue to campaign for ivermectin and other safe early treatments to be included in measures to tackle covid. We greatly appreciate your support which means we can keep the pressure up.

New Evidence Bank: Proof is in the Papers

There is so much evidence and information regarding using ivermectin for covid it is hard to know where to start to fully assess its impact. To help further understanding we are now curating an evidence bank of research papers ‘The Proof is in the Papers’. 

Each week we will upload selected papers with a concise summary of the paper and its findings. We hope that this will become a vital resource for you and decision makers worldwide as more of them accept and deploy ivermectin as a highly effective tool in treating covid.

Dr Lawrie Speaks at DC Rally

Dr Tess Lawrie delivered a powerful speech at the ‘Defeat the Mandates’ rally in Washington DC last week on behalf of the World Council for Health. If you missed it, you can watch here at the World Council for Health website

Live: Making Sense of the Pandemic

This Sunday at 6pm, there is a Panel Discussion ‘Making Sense of the Pandemic Response in Ireland’. Speakers include Steve Kirsch, Dr Peter McCullough, Prof. Mattias Desmet and Dr. Lawrie. If you are not yet registered you may still be able to at

EBMC Squared who manages the BiRD project is proud to have helped develop this talk and we hope that there will be more. Register here

New Evidence for Ivermectin Prophylaxis

A new observational study  by Kerr L, Cadetiani, Baldi F et al. has been published that looked at 223 thousand citizens in Brasil and concluded regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.

Tide is Turning : New Hampshire

We have been pleased to read that access to ivermectin could become authorised in New Hampshire with a bill running through the State Legislature. According to MSN News Doctors and Registered Nurses would be able to prescribe ivermectin as an ‘off-label’ medication. You can read more here

Hoodies and Beanies

It’s getting colder so we have now introduced Zip Hoodies and Soft, stretch beanies with our design to the Bird Shop.

Available in multiple colours.

Get ready for Winter!

Thank you so much for your ongoing support

[email protected]

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How you can help the campaign

We are determined to get ivermectin approved for you and everyone around the world and end the pandemic.

We truly appreciate your support you have already given and please consider the different ways to support us further.

We welcome whatever you can give to help fund our activities.

Donate here

Shop with BiRD

Share our message with BiRD Merchandise. All our profits are returned to BiRD. Visit the shop

Join in with Us

Print out flyers (now in 10 languages) write to your doctors, politicians.

Find out more


Please Contribute

Safe, cheap, beats Covid

Please support our campaign with a monthly or a single amount to help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.

Bird Group/EBMC Squared is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC).

All funds received will be invested in our activities to promote public health and wellbeing.

Please contribute

Your monthly or single contribution will help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.