Dear Supporter
Plenty of activity this week to report on!
Mirror article. Who’s being conned?
We have just launched a blog section for our website with our reflections on the recent Mirror article setting up a sting on a seller ofivermectin.
BBC ‘False Science’ Article on Ivermectin
Although written under the banner ‘Reality Check’ you will have seen the BBC make yet another unfounded assault on ivermectin and reality. Journalist Jack Goodman also shows a lack of professionalism disrespecting Dr. Lawrie in his highly biased article that he claims to be based on (unavailable and unscrutinised) reports from questionable sources.
You can read our first response here
We will be responding in different ways to this and will keep you posted here and on the Telegram channel. (subscribe here)
Also we recommend you watch Dr. John Campbell forensically shred the report.
BMJ Letter dismantles misleading claims by Popp et al.
The BMJ have published a letter in highlighting the false claims made by a previous opinion piece made by Popp et al. in an attempt to undermine the Bryant et. Systematic Review and Meta Analysis.

NEW Hoodies and Beanies
It’s getting colder so we have now introduced Zip Hoodies and Soft, stretch beanies with our design to the Bird Shop.
Available in multiple colours.
Get ready for Winter.

Sign up to Telegram
Sign up to our Telegram channel for all the latest developments, videos, news, opinions and more.
We now have 15,000 followers!

Interview with the World Council for Health
Watch Shabnam Palesa Mohamed of Trial Site News profile and interview the World Council for Health.
Access to this is free, but we recommend subscribing to Trial Site News for honest and fair health journalism.
Merck Announcement on Molnupiravir treatment
BiRD welcomes all early treatment possibilities to keep covid patients out of hospital which this recently announced drug hopes to do. Full research or safety data has yet to be published or scrutinised, but we understand that the active mechanism appears very similar to that of ivermectin. At their declared 50% effectiveness rate (below the 70% rate of ivermectin) this could still be a useful way to reduce hospitalisations and deaths, though at $700 a treatment, this will exclude poorer people of the world.
We are concerned regarding the double standards of the health regulatory authorities that expedite the authorisation and purchase of new expensive treatments without adequate safety data whilst delaying the authorisation of safe cheap and off-patent medicines with established safety records. We would also like to see information on safety relating to mutagenesis caused by molnupiravir on human cells as this concern has been raised in previous research. We also note that molnupiravir is used to treat horses.
We will be following developments closely.
Help the Long Covid Foundation

The Long Covid Foundation is looking for volunteers to help with writing and their website. If you can help, please contact them via their website.
Bird Recommends
Video: Ivermectin vs Goliath
Dr. Wernher Ovalle a medicine Evidence specialist gives a an in-depth review Popp and Roman studies and how they manipulated data to reach their conclusions. His insightful explanations help you understand research better and avoid being hoodwinked by media and even academics.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support.

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We are determined to get ivermectin approved for you and everyone around the world and end the pandemic.
We truly appreciate your support you have already given and please consider the different ways to support us further.
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