Now You Can Get Involved!

Please help us to spread the word

We need your help to make sure that everyone hears the positive message of ivermectin and how it is successfully treating and preventing covid-19 around the world.

From sharing the message to your contacts, GPs, MPs to generous cash donations, we are so grateful for the support and enthusiasm you have shown us, it is truly inspiring.

But there is more to do and here are 4 ways you can help. Please participate with whatever you can and let us know what you do. 

Email us at [email protected]


4 ways to get ivermectin approved

1. Ivermectin Flyer to share

A5 Flyer to email and print

Download this flyer and email it, print it, share, send to friends as much as you can.
Print 500 or even more
If you can afford, please consider spending £20-£30 and getting 500 flyers printed to distribute in your community. Download the professional print version and send to a printing company, eg. Solopress.*

*Bird Group is not connected with any 3rd party printers and takes no responsibility for any arrangement you make with them.

2. Write to your Member of Parliament

Let your MP know what you think

We have pre-written a letter you can email or post to your MP to let them know that this matter needs  to be addressed urgently. Just add in your personal details to the letter. 
Better still, write your own words expressing your feelings about ivermectin.
Or post to House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

3. Write to your Doctor

Let your GP know that you would like a choice

We have pre-written a letter you can email or post to your Doctor to encourage them understand more about ivermectin and explore the evidence presented on this site and others.

4. Raise Money

Take on a challenge to raise much needed funds for Bird

Swim, run, walk, bake or decide on a challenge that want to do! Alone, or with friends – whatever you choose to do will be amazing!
Download a sponsorship form to help you.  PDF | Word document

Disclaimer: Whilst we are hugely grateful for your support, Bird Group is not responsible for any element of the activities that you choose to take on.

5. Finally, please donate

Whatever you can afford will help make a difference.

We need finances to keep pushing the message to Government, the medical community and the media.
Please consider donating whatever you can. We must get our message heard and allow you and everyone else a choice when it comes to covid. Thank you to all those who have already donated.

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Please Contribute

Safe, cheap, beats Covid

Please support our campaign with a monthly or a single amount to help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.

Bird Group/EBMC Squared is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC).

All funds received will be invested in our activities to promote public health and wellbeing.

Please contribute

Your monthly or single contribution will help us keep pressure on authorities to approve the safe drug ivermectin that will help beat covid-19 and save lives around the world.